Sunday, December 29, 2013

Daisy's Current Skincare Routine

Hello everybody! Long time no post! ... (lame blogger joke). Anyways, I know it's been a while since we've made a post on the blog but it's the beginning of a brand new school year and I've been busier than ever. Let's move on from my excuses and get down to what I really wanted to talk about today, skincare! 

Skincare is an essential part to my everyday life (and it should be yours as well!), morning and night. Now I'm a college student which include late nights, clubbing, partying, early morning wake ups, and the occasional zits and pimples that come with eating bad food and getting our monthly gifts. I've been through enough of those to know exactly how my skin reacts to each situation. Now I haven't found the perfect skincare routine so I'm still on the hunt for my holygrails. In my ventures, whenever I finish up the usual cleanser, toner, and moisturizer I like to buy new ones. There has never been a time, well that I can recall, that I've bought a skincare item consecutively...well maybe makeup wipes.

The skincare items that I'm going to mention are fairly new in the drugstore and I've been using them long enough to know whether or not I like it. So let's get started!